Published  01/03/1973

Studio International – March 1973

Studio International – March 1973

Volume 185 Number 953


98  Exposition of an exhibition: a backward look at Documenta 5/Rene Denizot

100  Art market/FAP

101  Financial cuts for art education

102  Correspondence

102  News and notes

103  Feedback/Clive Phillpot

104  Graphics/Bud Shark

104  Vision/Malcolm Le Grice

105  From kineticism to didacticism in contemporary French art/Stephen Bann

110  Extracts from Peinture: Cahiers Théoriques/Jonathan Benthall

112  An experiment in active culture in Paris: ARC 1967-72/Pierre Gaudibert

114  Everything in order/Michel Claura

116  Letter from Paris/Andrew Forge

118  Six pages by Paris artists

125  Gerard Titus – Carmel/John Blake

127  Robyn Denny: controlling the medium/Michael Compton

132  London as a subject of Monet’s vision/David Thompson

134  A home-made process for unravelling meanings/Dore Ashton

137  Supplement: new and recent art books/Reviews by Chimen Abramsky, Philip Connisbee, Timothy Craig, Cecilia Dresser, Andrew Forge, David Freke, Charles Harrison, Malcolm Le Grice, John Milner, Paul Overy, Caroline Tisdall, William Tucker, Frank Whitford, Maurice Yaffé

Editor/Peter Townsend
Managing Director/Brian Rushton
Assistant Editor/John McEwen
Assistant Editor (Production)/Irena Oliver
Editorial Secretary/Zabelle Stenton
Art Director/Marcus Ratliff
Advertisement Manager/Martin Rewcastle
Contributing Editors/Dore Ashton (New York),
Jean Clay (Paris), Frank Whitford, Barbara Reise,
Charles Harrison, Tim Hilton

Editorial Advisory Committee:
J.P. Hodin (International relations)
Alan Bowness, Andrew Forge, David Thompson,
Joseph Rykwert, John Golding

Publishers/Michael Spens, D. Thomas Bergen (USA)

Studio International, 1973, March 1973, Volume 185 Number 953. Cover: Robyn Denny in his studio, reflected in one of his Colour Box series. Photo by Rowland Scherman.

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