Published  01/11/1967

Studio International – November 1967

Studio International – November 1967

Volume 174 Number 894


182  Comment/Norbert Lynton

184  Moholy Nagy and light art as an art of the future/Jasia Reichardt

185  An underground movie trip/Kevin Gough-Yates

186  The painter in the novel/Eva Tucker

187  Conservation: conference of the IICHAW/John FitzMaurice Mills

187  Correspondence/Gerald Bonnefoy, George Savage, Robert Upton

187  News

189  Modern art and the virtues of decadence/Max Kozloff

200  Vitality poems/Willem Sandberg

204  Preoccupation with colour: conversations with Gene Davis and Albert Stadler/Gene Baro

212  London commentary/Charles Harrison

215  New York commentary/Dore Ashton

218  São Paulo Bienal/Alan Bowness

220  Athens commentary/Robert Lockwood

222  On exhibition: a selection from current and forthcoming exhibitions

229  Supplement: new and recent art books

Editor/Peter Townsend
Assistant Editor/Charles Harrison
Advertising & Publicity Manager/Benson Zonena
Art Editor/Michael Young
Contributing Editors/Dore Ashton (New York),
Jean Clay (Paris), Frank Whitford (Berlin)

Editorial Advisory Committee/J. P. Hodin (International relations),
Alan Bowness, Andrew Forge, David Thompson

International Advisory Panel:
Austria: Dr Werner Hofmann
Argentina: Jorge Romero Brest
Belgium: Michel Seuphor
Brazil: Mario Pedrosa
France: Jacques Lassaigne
Germany: Dr Werner Schmalenbach
Holland: Prof. A. M. Hammacher
Israel: Haim Gamzu
Italy: Prof. G. C. Argan
Japan: Shuzo Takiguchi
Scandinavia: Reidar Revold
Spain: Alejandro Cirici-Pellicer
Switzerland: Dr Carola Giedeon-Welcker
U.S.A.: Thomas Messer, J. J. Sweeney
Yugoslavia: Aleksa Celebonovic

Studio International, November 1967, Volume 174 Number 894. Cover image: Cover designed especially for this issue by Gordon House-the drawing is related to the images In his edition of boxes clear coloured and neutrals recently published by Marlborough Fine Art, London.

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The title Studio International is the property of the Studio International Foundation and, together with the content, are bound by copyright. All rights reserved.

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